Pastor’s Newsletter

It is surely spring outside. One of my favorite times of the year, except for the allergies.

I love to see the trees budding their leaves. We planted two apple trees last year in the backyard of the parsonage. Two poor trees, sharing the yard with 5 kids and 2 dogs. We weren't sure if the trees would survive, but just yesterday I was looking from the dinning room and I saw the little flowers on the branches, accompanied by lots and lots of green leaves. A sure sign that we have made it to the beginning of a second year of saying, “Don’t touch the Apple Trees!”

The neighbors began to water and mow their lawns over a month ago, and I just broke out the mower last weekend. Living between two beautiful yards, causes you to have to step up your game. That means watering the yard and mowing it more often and adding fertilizer. It is amazing the difference regularly watering your yard can do to bring it back to life. Of course each year the parsonage sprinkler system gets patches and a new sprinkler head or two. Its been a new ball game.

I keep thinking of turning over some of the backyard to plant a smaller garden than last year. We have decided not to plant  corn, since it didn't turn out last year. However we might get some tomato plants, zucchini, green beans, and Laura Belle’s sunflowers out this year. Of course we need to go find some cow patties to work into the yard, the vegetables seem to enjoy the added nutrients. The kids seem to enjoy planting, watering, and watching the sprouts pop up and reach for the sky.

Why have I spent most  this front page on trees, grass, and vegetable gardens? Because it is a sign of a new life cycle, a chance to see things come to life. It is a chance to be reminded of the new life we have in Christ. Just as the snow often reminds me that we are “washed as white as snow” (Ps. 51:7). We have an opportunity to see in Spring, the truth of the resurrection. Everything during the winter seems dead, as it goes into dormancy, but with spring it seems the outdoors have been resurrected to borrow a term from the scriptures. 

Sometimes the Christian can seem to have a spiritual dormancy, when the things of Christ doesn't seem to matter. They don’t reject the faith outright, they aren't declaring themselves hell-bound. They can still tell you their testimony, however their spiritual fervor is gone. The fire seems to be smoldering, rather than brightly burning. How can we get that fire stoked up again?

  1. Read the Scriptures, having prayed that God would reveal to you the truth of His Word (James 1:22-25)
  2. Be with like minded Christians who cause you to think upon and act upon the things of Christ Hebrews 10:25
  3. Do not be influenced by those who’s morals will drag you down to their morality 1 Corinthians 15:33
  4. Find a way to serve Christ once a week (Eph. 2:10)
  5. Attend Church, small groups, and Bible studies to promote better understanding of what God says (Acts 2:42)

These things might help us to be on fire for the Lord. None of theses suggestions will harm us, but will help us to be refined into who we have been created, called, and equipped to be. Choose for yourselves this day, whom you shall serve, says Joshua.


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