The Culbersons serve Kansas and Missouri churches through training and equipping, and encouraging pastors and leaders so they have an effective children's outreach and discipleship ministry in their local community. In addition, Joel and Veronica serve as U.S. Field Directors leading a group of missionaries in the U.S. field.
I Timothy 1:12 - And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.
Contact Information:
Joel Culberson ~ Awana ® ~ U.S. Field Director ~ Kansas / Missouri ~ cell: 785.640.7130
Facebook - KS-MO Awana Leaders
To partner with us by your donations: Go to https://www.awana.org/

Romania is a land of spiritual challenge and opportunity. Even though parts of the country have some of the largest concentrations of evangelical believers in Europe, many parts of the country still have well less than 1% who know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Missions Revival exists to work the Great Commission and share the Gospel through preaching and teaching in conferences, revivals, and leadership training. Our goal is to encourage the local church and train individuals who will do the same.Dr. Wayne Johnson follows in the example of the ministry of Paul and Barnabas and serves as a pastor to pastors, an evangelist, teacher, preacher, and church planter. He and his wife, Lorri, travel frequently and work as missionaries, counselors, and college professors.
Website link: www.missionsrevival.org

The Japanese are the second largest unreached people group in the world! Only 1.2% of Japan's population are Christians. Many individuals will go through life never meeting another disciple of Christ. As people flock to cities like Tokyo for better jobs and education, we see opportunities to engage with people every day through building relationships at work, at school, and in our neighborhood. Through this, we have seen God growing his church in Tokyo!
This is only possible because of generous and faithful partners like you!

Joseph & Sarah Ryan
Joseph joined the staff of Chosen People Ministries and moved to New York in 2013. The following year, Joseph and Sarah helped plant Beth Sar Shalom Messianic Congregation where they served until God called them to pioneer a new ministry. In 2020, Joseph became the director of Host Israelis (www.hostisraelis.com), a ministry that seeks to bless Israel through the simple gift of hospitality.
Sarah, a Jewish believer, immigrated to Israel where she became fluent in Hebrew and taught English for eight years. Sarah serves alongside her husband, hosting and equipping others to host Israelis in their home.
Joseph’s and Sarah’s desire is to see Jewish people find and embrace their Messiah, and for Christians to understand and appreciate the Jewish roots of their faith and God’s unfailing love for Israel.